Fixing Things Around Me!

3 min readApr 2, 2021


Picture by RhondaK Native Florida Folk Artist

“Fix something around you and take pictures”

I was sitting in my room when I read out the instructions pertaining to this activity for a project at Amal Academy. I patted myself on the back for clearing up my mess, earlier that morning. Because I wouldn’t want to put my cleaning skills up for assessment like that, now would I?

(Wait, that sounds problematic)

But let’s just ignore it for now.

Upon realizing that everything in my life was so in place (yeah right), I went on a lookout for saving others’. The first beings I thought of were my Ammi’s plants. They were having a pretty swell time during quarantine (how lucky do you have to be for that?) with her at home tending to them and everything. However, now that she has to go on work again they are, well, a little neglected.

Therefore, when I was suspiciously staring at everything in the house for finding t̶h̶e̶ ̶e̶a̶s̶i̶e̶s̶t̶, wait no, the most “meaningful” task to do, she suggested that I water them.

donate so we can paint these

Here’s a “before” picture, I took in the sun. I had the good sense to not water them then and kill them, even though seeing living beings just chilling like that is so not my jam.

In case you noticed, yes, there is no “after” picture. Because a smart brain totally forgot about watering them later. So, the reader is expected to do the same.

Now, in order to at least do something (for once in my life), I went to my sister’s room because trust me, she needs help.

She would appreciate for you to hold back your judgments as you see one of her tables.

In her defense, she is a medical student.

Reveling in my good fortune of not being one, I graciously helped her out. Tada!

(I never said I was a photographer)

She did want me to clean her entire room then, which I sensibly declined being the leader I am, who would just love to see people DOING THEIR OWN WORK FOR ONCE. :)

Moral of the story:

You don’t always need authority to be leaders and make things better. Among the other lessons learnt from this activity that I don’t have the brains to philosophize, a significant one is realizing the importance (and power, no less) of fixing one thing at a time in this world. And how, the opportunity for that is always up for grabs, wherever we are, in several tiny little things around us that can do with some help. Don’t you just love to see leadership reimagined like that?

Here’s a cat who looked a little too calm to me.

Much better. :)

